PT. Global Jaya Elektronik (GJE) is a private company in the electronics industry in particular the assembly of electronics module devices. Our main products are PCB Assembly ( the assembly of Printed Circuit Board - thin board inside electronics device which are used to connect electronics component to each other ) and Component Sourcing ( the supply of all kinds of electronics component for supporting the production of PCB Assembly)

We provide services in PCB Assembly - from PCB design, PCB preparation, installing electronics component into PCB, soldering, function test and installing electronics module into its housing.

We can also provide services in the supply of all kinds of electronics component such as PCB, resistor, capacitor, tin-wire (jumper wire), tin, solder paste, solder mask etc.


Through the long history of company's presence significant to the time period, PT. Global Jaya Elektronik has proven to the world of electronics industry in Indonesia that we are a reliable and experienced company in PCB Assembly & Component Sourcing. ith professional, creative and dedicated team work, we always commit ourselves to give priority to the customer's interests and satisfaction as a measure of our success.

Our products has been produce with standards related to quality management systems ISO 9001:2015

Our products meet the quality standards of export with competitive prices and excellent quality. We can also provide services for PCB redesign or modify an existing PCB. The modification that we create has value added over the efficiency but still excellent quality in accordance with the wishes and expectations of the customers. For us, the customer satisfaction will always motivate us to provide the best services in PCB design consultation with our creative team work, on-time product delivery and satisfactory after-sales service.

Furthermore, PT. Global Jaya Elektronik is a private company that strongly support the Indonesian government's policy to develop the local industry to compete with foreign companies. We are very experienced in TKDN ( Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri / Domestic Component Level ), an Indonesian government regulation that requires all government agencies to use domestic products. Therefore, with our professional management and production systems, we also have established good cooperation and sustainable with some government agencies as our colleagues.

We are the right choice for those of you who need PCB Assembly & Component Sourcing. PT. Global Jaya Elektronik is a reliable partner as we always strive to produce excellent quality products and we will also continue to provide our best service in accordance with our motto, "We Serve & Make Better"

If you want to know more about us, please download our profile as a pdf document here